Cách chia sẻ vị trí trên google map


Here"s a quick & easy guide to lớn how to nói qua location on Google Maps, on any device

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Knowing how to giới thiệu location on Google Maps can be seriously useful for gathering friends or arranging a meeting. You can even mô tả locations that aren’t marked on the map, so it’s handy for meeting up if you’re in a park or out in the countryside.

Bạn đang xem: Cách chia sẻ vị trí trên google map

In this guide, we’ll show you how to giới thiệu Google Maps locations on Android, iOS, PC và Mac, so you can start using this convenient feature on any platform.

Location sharing in Google Maps is built-in, so you don’t need any extra apps lớn create a shareable liên kết — though on smartphone devices, you will be asked if you want to tóm tắt using a particular app, such as gmail or WhatsApp.

When your recipient receives your link, all they need to do is xuất hiện it. This will open Google Maps on their own device, showing them the location you’ve marked. They then have the option of getting directions lớn it, searching for other points of interest near it, and so on.

How to share location on Google Maps on Android

1. In the Google Maps app, tap a location or tap and hold anywhere to lớn create a marker pin. Tap the location name or address at the bottom of the screen.

(Image credit: Future)

3. Tap the recipient or app that you want to nội dung the location through. This will open up the corresponding messaging or email app with a links to the location on Google Maps already pasted in — all you need to do is hit send.

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(Image credit: Future)

How to chia sẻ location on Google Maps on iOS

1. In the Google Maps app, tap a location or tap and hold anywhere lớn create a marker pin. Tap the location name or address at the bottom of the screen.

(Image credit: Future)

3. Select an app to send the location links through, or tap “Copy” to copy the liên kết to your clipboard for you to lớn paste anywhere.

(Image credit: Future)

How to nội dung location on Google Maps on PC & Mac

1. Click on or search for a location. Then, in the top-left corner (next to lớn the tìm kiếm bar), click the thực đơn button — it’s three horizontal lines.

(Image credit: Future)

3. Click “Copy link” to lớn copy the location link to your clipboard. You can now paste this in an email, message or other sharing phầm mềm of your choice.

(Image credit: Future)

If you’d lượt thích to see more Google Maps tips & tricks, we’ve also prepared guides on how to download offline Google Maps and how to lớn measure distance with Google Maps. We’ve also got plenty of guides on using Google’s other services, lượt thích how to lớn use Google Photos; we can also show you how lớn disable Gmail"s smart features và prevent tracking.

James joined Tom’s Guide in 2020, bringing years of experience in consumer tech & product testing. As Audio Editor, James covers headphones, speakers, soundbars and anything else that intentionally makes noise. A PC enthusiast, he also covers the occasional spot of computing và gaming news, usually relating lớn how hard it is to find graphics thẻ stock.

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