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“Afridi delivers international chất lượng advice on local law matters. The team meets deadlines và bring a commercial understanding khổng lồ their work product. They are also responsive & personable in their dealings.” - Legal 500 EMEA

Banking và Finance Bankruptcy and Insolvency Capital Markets Compliance Competition and Antitrust Corporate & Commercial Mergers và Acquisitions Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Education Employment Funds Healthcare
Hospitality & Leisure Industrial & Manufacturing Mergers & Acquisitions Mining và Metals Private Equity Real Estate Restructuring Retail Telecommunications, truyền thông media and technology Transport Venture Capital

Abdus has led on a wide range of M&A transactions. These include:

Advising the purchaser on all aspects of its acquisition of the freight forwarding business of a leading logistics services provider. This khuyễn mãi giảm giá was structured as an asset purchase & accordingly required complex completion arrangements with regards khổng lồ the relevant UAE assets và employees. It also concerned the acquisition of assets in over 11 foreign jurisdictions.

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Advising the vendor in the sale of three related schools in the Emirate of Sharjah for USD 100 million. The khuyến mãi included a leasing arrangement pursuant to lớn which the vendor will continue to own the property on which the schools are built và will lease the property to lớn the purchaser.

Advising Siemens AG và Alstom S.A on all UAE competition aspects of the abortive merger of Alstom S.A with Siemens AG’s mobility division. This is widely considered lớn be amongst the first merger clearance requests lớn be submitted in the UAE.

Advising the vendors on the sale of an 80 per cent stake in a Dubai-based school khổng lồ a GCC private equity firm for AED 200 million.
Speaker, New Year’s Legal Update: UAE Commercial Companies Law, 24 January 2022Speaker, Overview of the UAE and DIFC Companies Law, workshop organised by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Dubai, 16 April 2019Panelist, The New African Competition Regimes, Lex Mundi Africa và Middle East Regional Forum, 26-28 February 2019, Dubai

Abdus has been ranked as a  “Rising Star” in Corporate/Commercial và M&A for the second year running

Legal 500 EMEA 2021 


Abdus Samad is a corporate lawyer based in Afridi và Angell’s Dubai office. He specialises in M&A và corporate transactions và has extensive knowledge and experience in cross-border matters, including complex acquisitions and divestures for a broad range of public and private sector clients.

Abdus has been ranked as a “Rising Star” for commercial, corporate, và M&A in Legal 500 EMEA.

Abdus has led on a wide range of M&A transactions. These include:

· Advising the purchaser on all aspects of its acquisition of the freight forwarding business of a leading logistics services provider. This deal was structured as an asset purchase & accordingly required complex completion arrangements with regards to lớn the relevant UAE assets & employees. It also concerned the acquisition of assets in over 11 foreign jurisdictions.

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· Advising the vendor in the sale of three related schools in the Emirate of Sharjah for USD 100 million. The giảm giá khuyến mãi included a leasing arrangement pursuant lớn which the vendor will continue khổng lồ own the property on which the schools are built và will lease the property lớn the purchaser.

· Advising Siemens AG & Alstom S.A on all UAE competition aspects of the abortive merger of Alstom S.A with Siemens AG’s mobility division. This is widely considered to lớn be amongst the first merger clearance requests to be submitted in the UAE.

· Advised London Stock Exchange Group plc on all UAE competition và merger control aspects of its USD 27 billion all-share acquisition of Refinitiv.

· Advising the vendors on the sale of an 80 per cent stake in a Dubai-based school to lớn a GCC private equity firm for AED 200 million.

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