Hàm hoán vị trong c
1. Thought permutation
In reality, we must build the program, permutation functions to lớn swap the value of the element, eg sequencer program is a typical.
Bạn đang xem: Hàm hoán vị trong c
To permutations 2 number, One can imagine lượt thích us 2 the cup. A glass of lemonade container, B cup pesticide containers. How vày we move into the cup lemon juice B and moved to cup a pesticide? Simply use more 1 women"s cup c cup and started moving:
B1: Pour cup of lemon A to C cup. => A hollow, C contains lemonB2: Pour pesticide B cup khổng lồ cup A => B empty, A pesticideB3: Pour into mug cup lemon C B => B contains lemon.Ok. A pesticide hours, B containing lemonade.How swapped 2 glass of water
2. Permutation code
Do the same in the programming we will swap the values of 2 variable.
// e.g about swap in C - code by nguyenvanquan7826#include int main() int a, b; printf("Nhap 2 so a, b: "); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("Ban domain authority nhap: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; printf("Sau khi hoan vi: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); return 0;Result:
Import 2 so a, b: 3 6
You have entered: a = 3 b = 6
After permutation: a = 6 b = 3
Ok. Now try to split into permutation function see stars:
3. Permutation function in C
// e.g about swap in C - code by nguyenvanquan7826#include void hoanvi(int a, int b) int temp = a; a = b; b = temp;int main() int a, b; printf("Nhap 2 so a, b: "); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("Ban da nhap: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); hoanvi(a, b); printf("Sau lúc goi si mê hoanvi: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); return 0;Result:
Import 2 so a, b: 3 6
You have entered: a = 3 b = 6
After the call hoanvi: a = 3 b = 6
Oh, Why we bởi vì not have results permutation?
With this program we built 1 permutation function to lớn change positions between 2 terminals a and b, however, we have used the value should take the values of a and b does not change, or in other words, they are not the same permutation.
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You understand the value passed by reference ie the function gọi Honvi(the, b) immediately the value of a và b (3 and 6) be included in the function, not the variable a, b should turn a, b"s we did not change when the function ends.
Correct code is as follows:
// e.g about swap in C - code by nguyenvanquan7826#include void hoanvi(int *a, int *b) int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp;int main() int a, b; printf("Nhap 2 so a, b: "); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("Ban da nhap: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); hoanvi(&a, &b); printf("Sau lúc goi đê mê hoanvi: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); return 0;Result:
Import 2 so a, b: 3 6
You have entered: a = 3 b = 6
After permutation: a = 6 b = 3
Above we build with jaw hoanvi 2 argument is *a & *b int. *a và *b ie pointers a và b pointer. In the body of the function we write *a, *b (CEO: int temp = *a) then sign * represents the value of the pointer a.
Because the function pointer should use when calling us to transmit the address of the variables ie hoanvi(&a, &b) , here sign và to take the address of variable a và variable b.
4. C ++ function permutations in
If you write C ++ (files ending with .cpp) they can write content a little easier permutations as follows.
// e.g about swap in C - code by nguyenvanquan7826#include void hoanvi(int &a, int &b) // only in C++, tệp tin .cpp int temp = a; a = b; b = temp;int main() int a, b; printf("Nhap 2 so a, b: "); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("Ban domain authority nhap: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); hoanvi(a, b); printf("Sau khi goi mê man hoanvi: a = %d b = %d ", a, b); return 0;Or can use the function swap available in the library algorithm
#include #include // swap int main() int a, b; printf("Nhap 2 so a, b:
"); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("Ban domain authority nhap:
a = %d
b = %d
", a, b); std::swap(a, b); printf("Sau lúc goi đắm say hoanvi:
a = %d
b = %d
", a, b); return 0;