Mua five nights at freddy's


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Xem thêm: Bảng Xếp Hạng Đặc Công Thế Giới, 10 Lực Lượng Đặc Nhiệm “Đáng Sợ” Nhất Thế Giới



As many of you may know, whenever you die or in the menu of FNAF 2 or FNAF 1 there is static. When I first played FNAF 1, I swear I saw something in the static whenever I died. But I never thought much of it. Recently, I decided to look through the game files of all of the FNAF games. I started off with FNAF 1. I went through the static pictures and I decided to make a gif image from those files and speed it up. At full speed, I noticed there was letters in the picture. I have yet to chart it out and trace it. The link to the gif I made is here: to check the second FNAF game, I made another gif of the static used again for the second game. The link to the second gif is here: this gif, I noticed a sprawl of numbers. Numbers like 505 and a giant 1. I couldn"t see all of them (My eyes can"t focus on the entire image and interpret the numbers) but there was definitely numbers. Perhaps these numbers have any meaning? Maybe the words have a secret message? I will chart the images out and trace out the numbers and letters soon. In the meantime, what do you guys think? Do you see these numbers too?