Chuyển file excel sang word

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Greetings! Need help to lớn convert an Excel worksheet into a Microsoft Word document? Although you cannot vày this directly from the two named programs themselves, you can combine two popular converters on our site to bởi so, for free.


Essentially, we are taking your Excel file, turn it into a PDF, và then to a Word processing document.

Bạn đang xem: Chuyển file excel sang word

Any Excel tệp tin type, including XLS and XLSX files, are accepted. The output file will be in DOCX format.

By using the best software libraries in the industry, our software will retain all text formatting, tables, and figures, down to the last decimal points. As you convert Microsoft Office và PDF files, when given a chance—do ‘embed’ the fonts of your text. This way, all original fonts will be kept even when we vị not have access khổng lồ the more obscure fonts on our servers, as we convert your documents.

Are the Converters Free?


Of course! We have 25 million online users every month, utilizing our online platform lớn convert their PDFs, Excel, & Doc files to lớn one another. Other than that, when documents are in PDF format, we also help users split, merge, edit, & compress files.

If you’re not in a hurry, feel không tính phí to check out our homepage for the full list of tools. As you convert your Excel to Word doc, notice that several features are always present on the result page. We call this ‘connected workflows,’ enabling you khổng lồ enhance your document further before you tải về the final file.

Can You Convert My Excel to Word Offline?



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You can carry out the very same conversion offline with our Desktop app. Unlike the online version, most processing will be done locally, which is especially handy when dealing with large datasets and spreadsheets. Whilst our servers use SSL encryption & handle documents in the safest environment, using the offline version omits all security-related worries, as we vị not upload files when you convert from PDF to Word.

For the first half (Excel khổng lồ PDF), we vày convert your tệp tin online. Khổng lồ make it entirely offline, you can first save the Excel as a PDF from Microsoft Excel itself before turning the data to lớn a Word doc. It’s a bit more manual work, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Lớn sum it up:

Click ‘Office lớn PDF’ and convert the Excel lớn PDF.

Then, click ‘PDF lớn Office’ & drag the converted file in the app.

Choose ‘Word’ as the output và convert your Excel lớn Word.

While the desktop phầm mềm does require a Pro subscription, we offer every user who requires offline processing a two-week miễn phí trial for you to chạy thử our sản phẩm out, in its full capacity. If you prefer to convert Excel lớn Word online, this is not the case, and no account is needed. Enjoy!